Dearly Beloved is a seed that the Lord planted in my heart many months ago. Since I was a child, I would watch my mother write in her Bible each and everyday, in an effort to be like her, I followed her lead. As I grew in my devotion to Christ, I fell in love with writing. Each morning, I would get up and write whatever the Lord placed so gently on my heart which was then contextualized on paper based on his sweet words in the Bible, all inspired by scripture. At first, they were just my way of connecting with Christ but when I started posting them on social media, people consistently asked me how they could deepen their walk with Christ. I never thought I would be the best to answer that question because I do not have a background in theology and also, Funny enough, I am in the same boat. We are all in this grow process with God where as we grow in Him, He starts to refine us and challenge us to draw nearer to Him. Then the Lord showed me that’s exactly why I am doing this. I want my life to be a living example of Christ and all that I do to glorify Him. Thus Dearly Beloved came to be, it’s my holistic journey growing in Christ that I want to share with the world. My hope is that as we take this journey together, it can be a space to help each other grow in Christ. None of us will arrive as this perfect christian per say but the beauty of this is the grow process, the community we can build as fellow believers and in return glorify God through our commitment and service to Him. I am so excited to be rooted with you all in this process and share what I have learned in my journey. I hope you will be willing to grow in Christ with me.
Dearly Beloved, take this journey with me